
Interviews Made Simple.

Get ready to hire quality candidates with less resources.

Our start-to-finish interview platform unites AI with human industry experts to instantly screen your applicants.

With ClubReq, you’ll never have to choose between hiring fast and hiring the best.

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Start finding your dream candidates, effortlessly.

Let AI Recruiting be Your Copilot

See Pre-Qualified Candidates at a Glance

Hire in Days, Not Weeks

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A woman wearing glasses is seen seated on a couch, engrossed in her laptop.

Use AI + HI to Hire Confidently, Without Compromise

Leverage the combined power of AI and Human Intelligence (HI) to screen candidates instantly.

Cutting-Edge Technology

ClubReq uses AI applicant scoring technology to identify top quality candidates.

Real-Life Experts

Subject matter experts know more about the job than recruiters do. By enlisting their skills through ClubReq, you will fill roles faster.

A woman smiling while using her laptop in her home

Created by Hiring Experts

We know the pain points of the recruiting process because we've experienced them. ClubReq was created by people who know the hiring ecosystem inside and out.